Why are my tomatoes turning brown at the bottom?
If you find that your tomatoes are turning brown from the bottom, it is not a disease but, actually, it is a sign of Calcium deficiency so-known as Blossom End Rot. The affected tomatoes somewhat look like this:
Now, first, pluck them off, it is not a disease that will spread from plant to plant or from fruit to fruit but, it’s good to pluck them out, as soon as they ripe in your kitchen, you will see that blossom end rot is not even noticeable. Check my ripe tomatoes which had blossom end rot:
Most of the farmers add eggshells to overcome this blossom end rot but if you didn`t know that and now you do. Just add the following things to further prevent it:
1. Try to add Gypsum (CaSO4), which is rich in calcium.
2. You can also add Lime (CaO).
3. If you don`t have access to these, like in the current situation of covid, you might not be able to find such things so, you can try any calcium tablet available in your homes like CaC-1000 or Abocal, they are rich in Calcium.
4. You can also add tea or coffee but, they contain very little calcium.
Now, if you want to follow the third step i.e., you want to add a CaC-1000 just dissolve a tablet in 1.5l of water or more according to the number of plants you have and then directly water them. Do this after every 15 days and you will see a good response shortly. It will not just increase calcium but, promote the growth of more tomatoes, and ripe them.
I have tried the same trick and got good results. It’s even easy to apply, just add the tablets in the meal (means in water) and wait for the results.
Tell me in the comments, what trick worked for you, I will love to hear them?
Thanks for Reading. Take care😷